Houses for Rent Worldwide

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What is a House for Rent at

The home for rent homepage is provided for tenants who are seeking to exclusively view houses in their rental search results. The advanced search tool below enables you to filter out all the other rental types and focus on currently posted houses. Over 6,000 houses for rent are available, all over the world.

A home for rent on can include renting the entire home, a room for rent within the home, and even subletting a home. Examples include a family renting out a spare room to short or long-term tenants, a property owner leaving the area and renting out the home while away, or roommates splitting the cost of the rent by adding new roommates.

When choosing to rent a house, consider the location, lease terms, whether the home is available as a private rental or is a shared rental, if the room is furnished or unfurnished, and if the common living areas are furnished or unfurnished. offers a broad array of houses for rent, from 1 bedroom private rentals, to 5 bedroom shared rentals. Find the home that matches your needs.


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