Vacation Rentals Worldwide

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What is a Vacation Rental at

The vacation rentals homepage is for tenants who are seeking to exclusively view holiday rentals in their search results. The advanced search feature below enables you to filter out the rentals that wouldn't suit a vacation, and focus on currently posted holiday rentals. Over 8,500 vacation rentals are available all over the world!

A vacation rental on can include hotels or B&Bs, apartments or houses, and even lofts for rent. These are short-term leases that cater to tenants seeking to vacation for a few days or a few weeks. Amenities may include fitness centers, pools, tennis courts, and basketball courts. Or the rental may be no-frills rooms for rent that keep costs low and your mobility high in a new city or near the beach. Check for location, amenities, and high quality photos before agreeing to a vacation lease.

Whether it's a house on the shore, a hotel with full amenities, or an apartment in an exotic city, offers a broad array of rentals that match your holiday needs.


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