What is a Sublease Agreement

A sublease agreement is granted by the lessee to a third party who becomes the subtenant. That means that if you are currently renting an apartment and want to leave without breaking your lease, you're turning the rental over to someone else who's name is not on the lease. Now, that person is living in the rental instead of you and is responsible for the rent and associated terms of the original lease.

When do you need a Sublease Agreement

If you intended to vacate your rental before your existing lease contract has expired and intend to fill the vacancy with a third party who is not on the original lease, we recommend you use a sublease agreement.

What is included in our Sublease Agreement

A sublease agreement will clearly define all terms between yourself and the third party. You should also obtain the permission of the landlord who granted the original lease to sublease the rental. The sublease agreement draft offered here provides a contract of suggested terms and conditions between the subleasor and sublessee.

Recommendations for Sublease Agreements

We recommend that both parties sign the agreement and attach a copy of the original lease for reference, and that both parties keep a copy of the sublease agreement.

Associated Real Estate Contracts

Tenant Contract

Landlord Permission to Sublease