I am a Landlord and need to unsubscribe from some or all Sublet.com emails?

We don't want you to receive any mails that you don't want or need. To stop receiving emails, please use the link on this page.

If you unsubscribe, you will no longer receive informational or promotional mails. However, if your listing is still active, you will continue to receive rental lead emails when a tenant responds to your advertisement.
Notices to update or delete your listing will still arrive every 10 days until the listing is deleted or archived.
To delete your listings, login to your account, check off your listings and click the delete button.
To archive you listings, login to your account, check off your listings and click the hide button. Archived listings are inactive until you re-activate them. If the listing is archived for more than 1 year, you will receive an email notification to delete or keep the listing archived.